2:- module( lib_pack_index, [lib_pack_index/0,lib_pack_index/1] ).
Creates a src/LibIndex.pl with interface predicates for a pack.


    9lib_pack_index :-
   10    exists_directory( prolog ),
   11    working_directory( Here, Here ),
   12    ( atom_concat(OverHere,'/',Here) ->
   13        true
   14        ;
   15        OverHere = Here
   16    ),
   17    directory_file_path( _, Pack, OverHere ),
   18    file_name_extension( Pack, pl, PackPl ),
   19    directory_file_path( prolog, PackPl, RelF ),
   20    !,
   21    lib_pack_index( RelF ).
Load PackF and make an index of where do its exported predicates come from.


   30lib_pack_index( RelPackF ) :-
   31    use_module( RelPackF ), 
   32    absolute_file_name( RelPackF, PackF ),
   33    directory_file_path( Dir, PackFile, PackF ),
   34    directory_file_path( Root, prolog, Dir ),
   35    file_name_extension( Pack, pl, PackFile ),
   36    directory_file_path( Root, src, SrcD ),
   37    directory_file_path( SrcD, 'LibIndex.pl', LibF ),
   38    ( exists_file(LibF) ->
   39        directory_file_path( SrcD, 'LibIndex.bku', BkuF ),
   40        copy_file(LibF,BkuF)
   41        ;
   42        true
   43    ),
   44    current_prolog_flag( allow_dot_in_atom, OldADA ),
   45    set_prolog_flag( allow_dot_in_atom, false ),
   46    open( LibF, write, Out ),
   47    findall( lib_index(Pa,Pn,any,Pack,File), ( 
   48                        predicate_property(Phead,imported_from(Pack)),
   49                        predicate_property(Phead,file(File)),
   50                        functor(Phead,Pa,Pn),
   51                        directory_file_path( SrcD, RelF, File ),
   52                        file_name_extension( RelStem, pl, RelF ),
   53                        portray_clause( Out, lib_index(Pa,Pn,any,Pack,RelStem) )
   54                    ),
   55                             _LITerms ),
   56    set_prolog_flag( allow_dot_in_atom, OldADA ),
   57    close( Out )