/* Part of SWI-Prolog */ :- meta_predicate map_assoc(1, ?), map_assoc(2, ?, ?). %! empty_assoc(?Assoc) is semidet. % % Is true if Assoc is the empty association list. empty_assoc(t). %! assoc_to_list(+Assoc, -Pairs) is det. % % Translate Assoc to a list Pairs of Key-Value pairs. The keys % in Pairs are sorted in ascending order. assoc_to_list(Assoc, List) :- assoc_to_list(Assoc, List, []). assoc_to_list(t(Key,Val,_,L,R), List, Rest) :- assoc_to_list(L, List, [Key-Val|More]), assoc_to_list(R, More, Rest). assoc_to_list(t, List, List). %! assoc_to_keys(+Assoc, -Keys) is det. % % True if Keys is the list of keys in Assoc. The keys are sorted % in ascending order. assoc_to_keys(Assoc, List) :- assoc_to_keys(Assoc, List, []). assoc_to_keys(t(Key,_,_,L,R), List, Rest) :- assoc_to_keys(L, List, [Key|More]), assoc_to_keys(R, More, Rest). assoc_to_keys(t, List, List). %! assoc_to_values(+Assoc, -Values) is det. % % True if Values is the list of values in Assoc. Values are % ordered in ascending order of the key to which they were % associated. Values may contain duplicates. assoc_to_values(Assoc, List) :- assoc_to_values(Assoc, List, []). assoc_to_values(t(_,Value,_,L,R), List, Rest) :- assoc_to_values(L, List, [Value|More]), assoc_to_values(R, More, Rest). assoc_to_values(t, List, List). %! is_assoc(+Assoc) is semidet. % % True if Assoc is an association list. This predicate checks % that the structure is valid, elements are in order, and tree % is balanced to the extent guaranteed by AVL trees. I.e., % branches of each subtree differ in depth by at most 1. is_assoc(Assoc) :- is_assoc(Assoc, _Min, _Max, _Depth). is_assoc(t,X,X,0) :- !. is_assoc(t(K,_,-,t,t),K,K,1) :- !, ground(K). is_assoc(t(K,_,>,t,t(RK,_,-,t,t)),K,RK,2) :- % Ensure right side Key is 'greater' than K !, ground((K,RK)), K @< RK. is_assoc(t(K,_,<,t(LK,_,-,t,t),t),LK,K,2) :- % Ensure left side Key is 'less' than K !, ground((LK,K)), LK @< K. is_assoc(t(K,_,B,L,R),Min,Max,Depth) :- is_assoc(L,Min,LMax,LDepth), is_assoc(R,RMin,Max,RDepth), % Ensure Balance matches depth compare(Rel,RDepth,LDepth), balance(Rel,B), % Ensure ordering ground((LMax,K,RMin)), LMax @< K, K @< RMin, Depth is max(LDepth, RDepth)+1. % Private lookup table matching comparison operators to Balance operators used in tree balance(=,-). balance(<,<). balance(>,>). %! gen_assoc(?Key, +Assoc, ?Value) is nondet. % % True if Key-Value is an association in Assoc. Enumerates keys in % ascending order on backtracking. % % @see get_assoc/3. gen_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value) :- ( ground(Key) -> get_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value) ; gen_assoc_(Key, Assoc, Value) ). gen_assoc_(Key, t(_,_,_,L,_), Val) :- gen_assoc_(Key, L, Val). gen_assoc_(Key, t(Key,Val,_,_,_), Val). gen_assoc_(Key, t(_,_,_,_,R), Val) :- gen_assoc_(Key, R, Val). %! get_assoc(+Key, +Assoc, -Value) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is an association in Assoc. % % @error type_error(assoc, Assoc) if Assoc is not an association list. get_assoc(Key, Assoc, Val) :- must_be(assoc, Assoc), get_assoc_(Key, Assoc, Val). :- if(current_predicate('$btree_find_node'/5)). get_assoc_(Key, Tree, Val) :- Tree \== t, '$btree_find_node'(Key, Tree, 0x010405, Node, =), arg(2, Node, Val). :- else. get_assoc_(Key, t(K,V,_,L,R), Val) :- compare(Rel, Key, K), get_assoc(Rel, Key, V, L, R, Val). get_assoc(=, _, Val, _, _, Val). get_assoc(<, Key, _, Tree, _, Val) :- get_assoc(Key, Tree, Val). get_assoc(>, Key, _, _, Tree, Val) :- get_assoc(Key, Tree, Val). :- endif. %! get_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, ?Val0, ?Assoc, ?Val) is semidet. % % True if Key-Val0 is in Assoc0 and Key-Val is in Assoc. get_assoc(Key, t(K,V,B,L,R), Val, t(K,NV,B,NL,NR), NVal) :- compare(Rel, Key, K), get_assoc(Rel, Key, V, L, R, Val, NV, NL, NR, NVal). get_assoc(=, _, Val, L, R, Val, NVal, L, R, NVal). get_assoc(<, Key, V, L, R, Val, V, NL, R, NVal) :- get_assoc(Key, L, Val, NL, NVal). get_assoc(>, Key, V, L, R, Val, V, L, NR, NVal) :- get_assoc(Key, R, Val, NR, NVal). %! list_to_assoc(+Pairs, -Assoc) is det. % % Create an association from a list Pairs of Key-Value pairs. List % must not contain duplicate keys. % % @error domain_error(unique_key_pairs, List) if List contains duplicate keys list_to_assoc(List, Assoc) :- ( List = [] -> Assoc = t ; keysort(List, Sorted), ( ord_pairs(Sorted) -> length(Sorted, N), list_to_assoc(N, Sorted, [], _, Assoc) ; domain_error(unique_key_pairs, List) ) ). list_to_assoc(1, [K-V|More], More, 1, t(K,V,-,t,t)) :- !. list_to_assoc(2, [K1-V1,K2-V2|More], More, 2, t(K2,V2,<,t(K1,V1,-,t,t),t)) :- !. list_to_assoc(N, List, More, Depth, t(K,V,Balance,L,R)) :- N0 is N - 1, RN is N0 div 2, Rem is N0 mod 2, LN is RN + Rem, list_to_assoc(LN, List, [K-V|Upper], LDepth, L), list_to_assoc(RN, Upper, More, RDepth, R), Depth is LDepth + 1, compare(B, RDepth, LDepth), balance(B, Balance). %! ord_list_to_assoc(+Pairs, -Assoc) is det. % % Assoc is created from an ordered list Pairs of Key-Value % pairs. The pairs must occur in strictly ascending order of % their keys. % % @error domain_error(key_ordered_pairs, List) if pairs are not ordered. ord_list_to_assoc(Sorted, Assoc) :- ( Sorted = [] -> Assoc = t ; ( ord_pairs(Sorted) -> length(Sorted, N), list_to_assoc(N, Sorted, [], _, Assoc) ; domain_error(key_ordered_pairs, Sorted) ) ). %! ord_pairs(+Pairs) is semidet % % True if Pairs is a list of Key-Val pairs strictly ordered by key. ord_pairs([K-_V|Rest]) :- ord_pairs(Rest, K). ord_pairs([], _K). ord_pairs([K-_V|Rest], K0) :- K0 @< K, ord_pairs(Rest, K). %! map_assoc(:Pred, +Assoc) is semidet. % % True if Pred(Value) is true for all values in Assoc. map_assoc(Pred, T) :- map_assoc_(T, Pred). map_assoc_(t, _). map_assoc_(t(_,Val,_,L,R), Pred) :- map_assoc_(L, Pred), call(Pred, Val), map_assoc_(R, Pred). %! map_assoc(:Pred, +Assoc0, ?Assoc) is semidet. % % Map corresponding values. True if Assoc is Assoc0 with Pred % applied to all corresponding pairs of of values. map_assoc(Pred, T0, T) :- map_assoc_(T0, Pred, T). map_assoc_(t, _, t). map_assoc_(t(Key,Val,B,L0,R0), Pred, t(Key,Ans,B,L1,R1)) :- map_assoc_(L0, Pred, L1), call(Pred, Val, Ans), map_assoc_(R0, Pred, R1). %! max_assoc(+Assoc, -Key, -Value) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is in Assoc and Key is the largest key. max_assoc(t(K,V,_,_,R), Key, Val) :- max_assoc(R, K, V, Key, Val). max_assoc(t, K, V, K, V). max_assoc(t(K,V,_,_,R), _, _, Key, Val) :- max_assoc(R, K, V, Key, Val). %! min_assoc(+Assoc, -Key, -Value) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is in assoc and Key is the smallest key. min_assoc(t(K,V,_,L,_), Key, Val) :- min_assoc(L, K, V, Key, Val). min_assoc(t, K, V, K, V). min_assoc(t(K,V,_,L,_), _, _, Key, Val) :- min_assoc(L, K, V, Key, Val). %! put_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, +Value, -Assoc) is det. % % Assoc is Assoc0, except that Key is associated with % Value. This can be used to insert and change associations. put_assoc(Key, A0, Value, A) :- insert(A0, Key, Value, A, _). insert(t, Key, Val, t(Key,Val,-,t,t), yes). insert(t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- compare(Rel, K, Key), insert(Rel, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). insert(=, t(Key,_,B,L,R), _, V, t(Key,V,B,L,R), no). insert(<, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- insert(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged), adjust(LeftHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). insert(>, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- insert(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged), adjust(RightHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). adjust(no, Oldree, _, Oldree, no). adjust(yes, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), LoR, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- table(B0, LoR, B1, WhatHasChanged, ToBeRebalanced), rebalance(ToBeRebalanced, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), B1, NewTree, _, _). % balance where balance whole tree to be % before inserted after increased rebalanced table(- , left , < , yes , no ) :- !. table(- , right , > , yes , no ) :- !. table(< , left , - , no , yes ) :- !. table(< , right , - , no , no ) :- !. table(> , left , - , no , no ) :- !. table(> , right , - , no , yes ) :- !. %! del_min_assoc(+Assoc0, ?Key, ?Val, -Assoc) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is in Assoc0 and Key is the smallest key. % Assoc is Assoc0 with Key-Value removed. Warning: This will % succeed with _no_ bindings for Key or Val if Assoc0 is empty. del_min_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree) :- del_min_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree, _DepthChanged). del_min_assoc(t(Key,Val,_B,t,R), Key, Val, R, yes) :- !. del_min_assoc(t(K,V,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, Changed) :- del_min_assoc(L, Key, Val, NewL, LeftChanged), deladjust(LeftChanged, t(K,V,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, Changed). %! del_max_assoc(+Assoc0, ?Key, ?Val, -Assoc) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is in Assoc0 and Key is the greatest key. % Assoc is Assoc0 with Key-Value removed. Warning: This will % succeed with _no_ bindings for Key or Val if Assoc0 is empty. del_max_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree) :- del_max_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree, _DepthChanged). del_max_assoc(t(Key,Val,_B,L,t), Key, Val, L, yes) :- !. del_max_assoc(t(K,V,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, Changed) :- del_max_assoc(R, Key, Val, NewR, RightChanged), deladjust(RightChanged, t(K,V,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, Changed). %! del_assoc(+Key, +Assoc0, ?Value, -Assoc) is semidet. % % True if Key-Value is in Assoc0. Assoc is Assoc0 with % Key-Value removed. del_assoc(Key, A0, Value, A) :- delete(A0, Key, Value, A, _). % delete(+Subtree, +SearchedKey, ?SearchedValue, ?SubtreeOut, ?WhatHasChanged) delete(t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- compare(Rel, K, Key), delete(Rel, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). % delete(+KeySide, +Subtree, +SearchedKey, ?SearchedValue, ?SubtreeOut, ?WhatHasChanged) % KeySide is an operator {<,=,>} indicating which branch should be searched for the key. % WhatHasChanged {yes,no} indicates whether the NewTree has changed in depth. delete(=, t(Key,Val,_B,t,R), Key, Val, R, yes) :- !. delete(=, t(Key,Val,_B,L,t), Key, Val, L, yes) :- !. delete(=, t(Key,Val,>,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- % Rh tree is deeper, so rotate from R to L del_min_assoc(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged), deladjust(RightHasChanged, t(K,V,>,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged), !. delete(=, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- % Rh tree is not deeper, so rotate from L to R del_max_assoc(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged), deladjust(LeftHasChanged, t(K,V,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged), !. delete(<, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- delete(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged), deladjust(LeftHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). delete(>, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :- delete(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged), deladjust(RightHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged). deladjust(no, OldTree, _, OldTree, no). deladjust(yes, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), LoR, NewTree, RealChange) :- deltable(B0, LoR, B1, WhatHasChanged, ToBeRebalanced), rebalance(ToBeRebalanced, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), B1, NewTree, WhatHasChanged, RealChange). % balance where balance whole tree to be % before deleted after changed rebalanced deltable(- , right , < , no , no ) :- !. deltable(- , left , > , no , no ) :- !. deltable(< , right , - , yes , yes ) :- !. deltable(< , left , - , yes , no ) :- !. deltable(> , right , - , yes , no ) :- !. deltable(> , left , - , yes , yes ) :- !. % It depends on the tree pattern in avl_geq whether it really decreases. % Single and double tree rotations - these are common for insert and delete. /* The patterns (>)-(>), (>)-( <), ( <)-( <) and ( <)-(>) on the LHS always change the tree height and these are the only patterns which can happen after an insertion. That's the reason why we can use a table only to decide the needed changes. The patterns (>)-( -) and ( <)-( -) do not change the tree height. After a deletion any pattern can occur and so we return yes or no as a flag of a height change. */ rebalance(no, t(K,V,_,L,R), B, t(K,V,B,L,R), Changed, Changed). rebalance(yes, OldTree, _, NewTree, _, RealChange) :- avl_geq(OldTree, NewTree, RealChange). avl_geq(t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(B,VB,>,Beta,Gamma)), t(B,VB,-,t(A,VA,-,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), yes) :- !. avl_geq(t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(B,VB,-,Beta,Gamma)), t(B,VB,<,t(A,VA,>,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), no) :- !. avl_geq(t(B,VB,<,t(A,VA,<,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), t(A,VA,-,Alpha,t(B,VB,-,Beta,Gamma)), yes) :- !. avl_geq(t(B,VB,<,t(A,VA,-,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(B,VB,<,Beta,Gamma)), no) :- !. avl_geq(t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(B,VB,<,t(X,VX,B1,Beta,Gamma),Delta)), t(X,VX,-,t(A,VA,B2,Alpha,Beta),t(B,VB,B3,Gamma,Delta)), yes) :- !, table2(B1, B2, B3). avl_geq(t(B,VB,<,t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(X,VX,B1,Beta,Gamma)),Delta), t(X,VX,-,t(A,VA,B2,Alpha,Beta),t(B,VB,B3,Gamma,Delta)), yes) :- !, table2(B1, B2, B3). table2(< ,- ,> ). table2(> ,< ,- ). table2(- ,- ,- ). /******************************* * ERRORS * *******************************/ :- multifile error:has_type/2. error:has_type(assoc, X) :- ( X == t -> true ; compound(X), functor(X, t, 5) ). new(T) :- empty_assoc(T). get_(T, Key, Value) :- get_assoc(Key, T, Value). set(T, X, V, T2) :- put_assoc(X, T, V, T2). %get__(T, Key, Value) :- (get_assoc(Key, T, Value)->true;(writeln(T),concat("CosmosError: cannot find \"",Key,S1),concat(S1,"\" in table",S),throw(S))). del_(T, X, V, T2) :- del_assoc(X, T, V, T2). :- new(T), set(T,X,1,T2), set(T2,Y,2,T3),writeln(T3),Y=1,X=0,get_(T3,0,Z),writeln(Z),writeln(T3).