1/* Part of fileutils
    2	Copyright 2014-215 Samer Abdallah (UCL)
    4	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    5	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    6	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    7	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    9	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   10	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   12	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
   14	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   15	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   16	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
   19:- module(callgraph, 
   20	[	module_dotpdf/2
   21   ,  modules_dotpdf/3
   22   ,  module_dot/2
   23   ,  modules_dot/3
   24   ,  module_render/2
   25   ,  modules_render/3
   26	]).

Visualisation of inter-predicate call graphs


This module allows you to produce a call graph of one or more modules, where nodes (boxes) represent predicates and an edge between two predicates indicates that one (the source end) calls the other (the pointy end).

By default, node styles are used to indicate whether or not the predicate is exported (bold outline), dynamic (italic label, filled), multifile (box with diagonals in the corners). For dynamic predicates, dashed edges are used to represent operations which mutate (assert to or retract from) the predicate.

Items in the recorded database are also represented, as they consitute mutable state much like dynamic predicates. Recorded items are labelled as Key:Functor/Arity and drawn in a filled octagonal box. Dashed edges represents writing to the recorded database and ordinary solid edges represent reading.

Basic method of usage is:

  1. Load the module you want to graph.
  2. Load this module.
  3. Generate and write the module call graph to a PDF document:
    ?- module_dotpdf(ModuleName,[]).

See module_dot/2 for options that affect graph content and style, and module_dotpdf/2 for options that affect rendering.

Multi-module graphs

The predicates modules_dotpdf/3 and modules_dot/3 support graphing multiple modules. Each module is drawn inside a box (a Graphviz cluster). Items in the recorded database are outside the module system. They can optionally be collected into one cluster or into several clusters by key.

Implementation notes

NB. This is very preliminary. The intereface is not necessarily stable. The dot DCG implementation is a bit embarassing but it does the job for now.

Three parts to this:

  1. Using prolog_walk_code/1 to compile a database of inter-predicate calls into dynamic predicate edge/3.
  2. Possible transformations of graph (eg pruning).
  3. Collect information about desired modules/predicates into a Dot graph structure as defined by dotdct.pl

Types used internally

Predicate specifier as Modue:Head where Head is a term with same name and arity of the predicate concerned.
Module name as an atom.
Term like Key:Term, reference to recorded database terms with Term and given Key.
Node name as Atom:Name/Arity.
module == atom.
functor   ---> atom/natural.
pred_head ---> module:term.
node      ---> atom:functor.
record_head ---> atom:term.
edge_spec ---> dynamic(module,pred_head,list(edge_type))
             ; recorded(edge_type,record_head).
edge_type ---> calls ; mutates ; reads ; writes.


  101:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).  102
  103:- predicate_options(module_dot/2,2,[pass_to(module_graph/3,2)]).  104:- predicate_options(module_render/2,2,[filename(text), format(any),method(any),pass_to(module_graph/3,2)]).  105:- predicate_options(modules_dot/3,2,[pass_to(modules_graph/4,2)]).  106:- predicate_options(modules_render/3,2,[filename(text), format(any),method(any),pass_to(modules_graph/4,2)]).  107
  108:- predicate_options(module_graph/3,2,
  109      [  prune(boolean)
  110      ,  hide_list(list)
  111      ,  recursive(boolean)
  112      ,  arrowhead(atom)
  113      ,  font(list(integer))
  114      ,  linkbase(atom)
  115      ,  pass_to(predopt//2,1)
  116      ,  pass_to(edgeopt//2,1)
  117      ]).  118
  119:- predicate_options(modules_graph/4,2,
  120      [  cluster_recorded(oneof([false,by_key,true]))
  121      ,  prune(boolean)
  122      ,  hide_list(list)
  123      ,  recursive(boolean)
  124      ,  arrowhead(atom)
  125      ,  font(list(integer))
  126      ,  linkbase(atom)
  127      ,  pass_to(predopt//2,1)
  128      ,  pass_to(edgeopt//2,1)
  129      ]).  130
  131:- predicate_options(predopt//2,1,
  132      [  dynamic_style(atom)
  133      ,  dynamic_shape(atom)
  134      ,  export_style(atom)
  135      ,  multifile_style(atom)
  136      ,  multifile_shape(atom)
  137      ,  recorded_style(atom)
  138      ,  recorded_shape(atom)
  139      ,  font(list(integer))
  140      ]).  141
  142:- predicate_options(edgeopt//2,1,
  143      [  mutate_style(atom)
  144      ,  read_style(atom)
  145      ,  write_style(atom)
  146      ]).  147
  149:- use_module(library(dcg_core)).  150:- use_module(library(dcg_codes)).  151:- use_module('library/dot').  152
  153% ------------ Building the call graph in the Prolog database -----------------------
  155:- dynamic edge/3.
 edge(-T:edge_type, -Source:node, -Target:node) is nondet
Dynamic predicate for storing edges discoverd by code analysis.
  159retract_graph :- retractall(edge(_,_,_)).
 assert_graph(+Modules:list(atom)) is det
Analyses modules (using prolog_walk_code/1) asserting information about the call graph to a set of private dynamic predicates.
  164assert_graph(Mods) :-
  165   retract_graph,
  166   sort(Mods,Mods1), % to get rid of duplicates
  167   forall( member(Mod,Mods1),
  168      prolog_walk_code([ trace_reference(_), module(Mod), on_trace(trace_call(Mods1)), source(false) ])
  169   ),
  170	predicate_property(edge(_,_,_), number_of_clauses(N)),
  171	format('Got ~D edges.~n', [N]).
 trace_call(+Mods:list(module), +Goal:pred_head, +Caller:pred_head, +Context) is det
Callback predicate for prolog_walk_code/1.
  176trace_call(Mods, M1:H1, M2:H2, _) :-
  177   debug(callgraph,'Considering ~w <--- ~w.',[M1:H1,M2:H2]),
  178   %memberchk(M1,Mods), memberchk(M2,Mods), 
  179   head_node(M2:H2,Caller),
  180   (classify(M1:H1,Class) -> true; Class=normal(M1:H1)),
  181   assert_edges(Class,Caller,Mods).
  182trace_call(_,Goal,Caller,_) :-
  183   debug(callgraph,'Ignoring ~q ---> ~q.',[Caller,Goal]).
 classify(+G:pred_head, -E:edge_spec) is semidet
Goal Classification predicate.
  188classify(M:assert(C),       dynamic(M,C,[mutates])).
  189classify(M:assertz(C),      dynamic(M,C,[mutates])).
  190classify(M:asserta(C),      dynamic(M,C,[mutates])).
  191classify(M:retractall(C),   dynamic(M,C,[mutates])).
  192classify(M:retract(C),      dynamic(M,C,[mutates,calls])).
  193classify(_:recorded(K,T,_), recorded(reads,K:T)).
  194classify(_:recorda(K,T,_),  recorded(writes,K:T)).
  195classify(_:recorda(K,T),    recorded(writes,K:T)).
  196classify(_:recordz(K,T,_),  recorded(writes,K:T)).
  197classify(_:recordz(K,T),    recorded(writes,K:T)).
 assert_edges(+E:edge_spec, +Caller:node, +Mods:list(module)) is det
Assert relevant edges (if any) for call from Caller to target specified by E.
  201assert_edges(normal(Goal), Caller, Ms)    :- goal_pred_head(Goal,H), assert_types([calls],H,Caller,Ms).
  202assert_edges(recorded(T,Spec),Caller,_)   :- rec_spec_node(Spec,N), assert_edge(T,Caller,N).
  203assert_edges(dynamic(M,C,Ts), Caller, Ms) :- 
  204   nonvar(C), mod_clause_head(M,C,H), 
  205   assert_types(Ts,H,Caller,Ms).
  206assert_edges(_,_,_). % catch all if other clauses fail
  208rec_spec_node(Key:Term,Node) :-
  209   (  var(Key) -> K='unknown'; K=Key),
  210   (  var(Term) -> Node=K:unknown; head_node(K:Term,Node)).
 mod_clause_head(+M:module, +C:clause, -H:pred_head) is det
Combines a clause (as supplied to assert/retract) with its source module to get the head (including module) of the dynamic predicate being modified. Basically, it allows any module specified in C to to override M.
  217mod_clause_head(_, (M:H:-_), M:H) :- !.
  218mod_clause_head(_, (M:H), M:H) :- !.
  219mod_clause_head(M, (H:-_), M:H) :- !.
  220mod_clause_head(M, H, M:H).
 assert_types(+Ts:list(edge_type), +Target:pred_head, +Caller:node, +Mods:list(module)) is semidet
Assert edges of types in Ts from Caller to Target, but only if the home module of Target is a member of Mods.
  225assert_types(Types,M3:H,Caller,_Mods) :-
  226   %memberchk(M3,Mods),
  227   head_node(M3:H,Node),
  228   forall(member(T,Types), assert_edge(T,Caller,Node)).
 goal_pred_head(+Goal:pred_head, -Pred:pred_head) is semidet
matches a goal to it's ultimate, non-built in source predicate. Fails if predicate is built in.
  233goal_pred_head(M1:H,M3:H) :-
  234   \+predicate_property(M1:H, built_in),
  235   (predicate_property(M1:H, imported_from(M3)) -> true; M3=M1).
 assert_edge(+T:edge_type, +N1:node, +N2:node) is det
asserts edge if not already asserted.
  239assert_edge(T,N1,N2) :- 
  240   (  edge(T,N1,N2) -> true
  241   ;  debug(callgraph,'Adding edge: ~w --> ~w.',[N1,N2]),
  242      assertz(edge(T,N1,N2))).
 head_node(+H:head, -P:node) is det
head_node(-H:head, +P:node) is det
convert predicate or record head from head term to functor/arity.
head ---> atom:term.
  250head_node(M:H,M:F/A) :- must_be(nonvar,M), (nonvar(H);ground(F/A)), functor(H,F,A).
 prune_subtrees is det
Operates on the currently asserted graph (see assert_graph/1). It searches for any part of the call graph which is a pure tree, and removes all the nodes below the root. Thus, any 'leaf' predicate which is only ever called by one 'parent' is removed. This is step is repeated until there are no more leaf predicates. The idea is that the child tree can be considered 'private' to its parent.
  260prune_subtrees :- do_until(prune_subtrees).
  262prune_subtrees(false) :-
  263   bagof(Node, prunable(Node), Nodes), !,
  264   forall(member(N,Nodes), (writeln(pruning:N), retractall(edge(calls,_,N)))).
  267prunable(Node) :-
  268   setof( Parent, edge(calls,Parent,Node), [_]), % node has exactly one caller
  269   \+edge(_,Node,_), % edges out 
  270   head_node(G,Node),
  271   \+predicate_property(G,dynamic),
  272   \+predicate_property(G,multifile),
  273   \+predicate_property(G,exported).
  275do_until(P) :-
  276   call(P,Flag),
  277   (  Flag=true -> true
  278   ;  do_until(P)
  279   ).
  282% ----------------------- GraphML output ----------------------
  283% Leaving this out for the time being.
  285% module_graphml(Mod) :-
  286%    assert_graph([Mod]),
  287%    current_ugraph(Graph),
  288%    retract_graph,
  289%    format(atom(File),'~w.graphml',[Mod]),
  290%    graphml_write_ugraph(File, nomap, [], Graph).
  292% nomap(id,node(N),A) :- term_to_atom(N,A), writeln(nomap(id,node(N),A)).
  293% % nomap(id,edge(_,_),'').
  294%               % [key(node, color, string), key(edge,color,string)],
  295% % cmap(color, node(_), green).
  296% % cmap(color, edge(_), red).
  299% %% current_ugraph(-Graph:graphml) is det.
  300% %  Returns the current call graph as a GraphML document structure.
  301% current_ugraph(Graph) :-
  302%    findall(Pred, (calls_ir(Mod:Pred,_);calls_ir(_,Mod:Pred)), Preds),
  303%    sort(Preds,Preds1),
  304%    setof(Caller-Callees, (member(Caller,Preds1), callees(Mod,Caller,Callees)), Graph).
  306% callees(Mod,Caller,Callees) :- setof(Callee, calls_ir(Mod:Caller,Mod:Callee),Callees), !.
  307% callees(_,[]).
  311% ----------------------- Dot output ----------------------
 module_dot(+ModuleName, Opts) is det
Writes a call graph for named module as a dot file named "[ModuleName].dot". This predicate also accepts various options (some of the these types refer to the GraphViz attribute types):
If true, then graph subtrees are removed using prune_subtrees/0.
If true, then looping edges are used to decorate predicates that call themselves directly. Otherwise, such direct recursion is hidden.
A list of predicate (name/arity) to hide from the graph.
Dot arrowhead name as an atom, for all call edges.
Dot node style for exported predicates.
Dot node shape for dynamic predicates.
Dot node style for dynamic predicates.
Dot node shape for multifile predicates.
Dot node style for multifile predicates.
Dot node shape for recorded facts.
Dot node style for recorded facts.
Dot line style for edges representing mutation of a dynamic predicate.
Dot line style for edges representing readed of a recorded fact.
Dot line style for edges representing writing of a recored fact.
Font family (as a list of codes) for all labels. How these names are interpreted depends on your host operating system. On Mac OS X, I find I am able to use any font available in the "Font Book" application with the name written exactly (including spaces) as in the "Font" column. Default is "Times".
If present, each predicate node will have a URL attribute pointing to a URL formed by appending Module:Name/Arity to Base. Thus, if the output format supports links, you will be able to click on the nodes to follow the links, eg to an SWI documentation server..

Types for Dot attributes: see http://graphviz.org/Documentation.php for more details on

line_style ---> solid ; dashed ; dotted ; bold.
arrow_type ---> normal ; vee ; empty ; box ; none ; dot ; ... .
node_shape ---> box ; ellipse ; circle ; diamond ; trapezium ; parallelogram
              ; house ; square ; pentagon ; hexagon ; septagon ; octagon ; ... .
node_style ---> solid ; dashed ; dotted ; bold ; rounded
              ; diagonals ; filled ; striped ; wedged.
  373module_dot(Mod,Opts) :-
  374   check_options(module_dot/2,2,Opts),
  375   module_graph(Mod,Opts,Graph),
  376   format(atom(File),'~w.dot',[Mod]),
  377   graph_dot(Graph,File).
 module_dotpdf(+Mod, Opts) is det
Writes a call graph for module Mod as a PDF file named "[Mod].pdf". Equivalent to module_render/2 with format(pdf) option supplied.
  382module_dotpdf(Mod,Opts) :- module_render(Mod,[format(pdf)|Opts]).
 module_render(+Mod, Opts) is det
Writes a call graph for module Mod as a file named "<Mod>.<Fmt>" where Fmt is one of the formats supported by Graphviz and is supplied as an option As well as the options accepted by module_dot/2, this predicate also accepts:
Any of the formats supported by Graphviz, eg pdf, ps, svg, png etc.
Determines which GraphViz programs are used to render the graph. The type graphviz_method is defined as:
graphviz_method ---> dot ; neato; fdp ; sfdp ; circo ; twopi
                   ; unflatten(list(unflatten_opt))
                   ; unflatten.
unflatten_opt   ---> l(N:natural)   % -l<N>
                   ; fl(N:natural)  % -f -l<N>
                   ; c(natural).    % -c<N>

The unflatten methods filter the graph through unflatten before passing on to dot.

  403module_render(Mod,Opts) :-
  404   check_options(module_render/2,2,Opts),
  405   module_graph(Mod,Opts,Graph),
  406   option(method(Method),Opts,unflatten),
  407   option(format(Fmt),Opts,pdf),
  408   file_name_extension(Mod,Fmt,DefaultFilename),
  409   option(filename(Filename),Opts,DefaultFilename),
  410   dotrun(Method,Fmt,Graph,Filename).
 modules_dot(+Modules:list(module), +Opts, +Name) is det
Mostly like module_dot/2, but takes a list of module names instead of a single module name. Output is written to a dot file named Name. It understands the same options, but in addition:
cluster_recorded(Flag:oneof([false, true, by_key]))/false
If true, then all recorded items are collected into a seperate cluster. If by_key, then all recorded items are collected multiple clusters, one for each distinct key..
  421modules_dot(Mods,Opts,Name) :-
  422   check_options(modules_dot/3,2,Opts),
  423   modules_graph(Mods,Opts,Name,Graph),
  424   format(atom(File),'~w.dot',[Name]),
  425   graph_dot(Graph,File).
 modules_dotpdf(+Modules:list(module), +Opts, +Name) is det
Equivalent to modules_render/3 with format(pdf) option supplied.
  430modules_dotpdf(Mods,Opts,Name) :- modules_render(Mods,[format(pdf)|Opts],Name).
 modules_render(+Modules:list(module), +Opts, +Name) is det
Mostly like module_render/2, but takes a list of module names instead of a single module name. Output is written to a PDF file named Name. It understands the same options, but in addition:
cluster_recorded(Flag:oneof([false, true, by_key]))/false
If true, then all recorded items are collected into a seperate cluster. If by_key, then all recorded items are collected multiple clusters, one for each distinct key..
  441modules_render(Mods,Opts,Name) :-
  442   check_options(modules_render/3,2,Opts),
  443   modules_graph(Mods,Opts,Name,Graph),
  444   option(method(Method),Opts,unflatten),
  445   option(format(Fmt),Opts,pdf),
  446   file_name_extension(Name,Fmt,DefaultFilename),
  447   option(filename(Filename),Opts,DefaultFilename),
  448   dotrun(Method,Fmt,Graph,Filename).
  450check_options(Pred,Arg,Opts) :- maplist(check_predicate_option(Pred,Arg),Opts).
  452module_graph(Mod,Opts,digraph(Mod,Statements)) :-
  453   assert_graph([Mod]),
  454   (option(prune(true),Opts) -> prune_subtrees; true),
  455   phrase((
  456         seqmap(global_opts(Opts),[graph,node,edge]),
  457         recorded_nodes(Opts),
  458         module_statements(Opts,Mod),     
  459         module_recorded_edges(Opts,Mod)
  460      ), Statements, []),
  461   retract_graph.
  463modules_graph(Mods,Opts,Name,digraph(Name,Statements)) :-
  464   assert_graph(Mods),
  465   (option(prune(true),Opts) -> prune_subtrees; true),
  466   option(cluster_recorded(CR),Opts,false),
  467   phrase((
  468         seqmap(global_opts(Opts),[graph,node,edge]), % global attributes
  469         recorded_nodes(Opts),
  470         seqmap(module_subgraph(Opts),Mods),
  471         seqmap(modules_module_edges(Opts,Mods),Mods),
  472         recorded_edges(CR,Opts,Mods)
  473      ), Statements, []),
  474   retract_graph.
  476recorded_edges(false,Opts,Mods) --> seqmap(module_recorded_edges(Opts),Mods).
  477recorded_edges(true,Opts,Mods) --> in_cluster(Opts,recorded, recorded, recorded_edges(false,Opts,Mods)).
  478recorded_edges(by_key,Opts,Mods) --> 
  479   {esetof(Key,recorded_key(Key),Keys)},
  480   seqmap(recorded_key_edges(Opts,Mods),Keys).
  482recorded_key_edges(Opts,Mods,Key) -->
  483   {atom_concat(recorded_,Key,ClusterName)},
  484   in_cluster(Opts,ClusterName, key(Key), seqmap(key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,Key),Mods)).
  486recorded_node(Node) :- edge(reads,_,Node); edge(writes,_,Node).
  487recorded_key(Key) :- recorded_node(Key:_).
  489modules_module_edges(Opts,Mods,M1) -->
  490   seqmap(inter_module_edges(Opts,M1),Mods).
  492inter_module_edges(Opts,M1,M2) -->
  493   ({M1\=M2} -> module_module_edges(Opts,M1,M2);[]).
  495module_subgraph(Opts,Mod) -->
  496   in_cluster(Opts,Mod, module(Mod), module_statements(Opts,Mod)). 
  498% declare recorded nodes
  499recorded_nodes(Opts) -->
  500   {predopt(Opts,recorded,RecNodeAttr,[])},
  501   {esetof(with_opts(node(N),RecNodeAttr), recorded_node(N), RecNodes)}, 
  502   list(RecNodes).
 module_statements(+Opts, +Mod)// is det
Outputs the currently asserted graph as a dot graph structure, using the given options and restricting the graph to module Mod. The options are documented under module_dot/2.
  508module_statements(Opts,Mod) -->
  509   module_nodes(Opts,Mod),
  510   module_module_edges(Opts,Mod,Mod).
  512module_nodes(Opts,Mod) -->
  513   % declare other declarable nodes
  514   {esetof(with_opts(node(Pred),Attrs), node_decl(Opts,Mod,Pred,Attrs), Decls)}, 
  515   list(Decls).
  517module_recorded_edges(Opts,Mod) -->
  518   key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,_,Mod,reads),
  519   key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,_,Mod,writes).
  521key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,Key,Mod) -->
  522   key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,Key,Mod,reads),
  523   key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,Key,Mod,writes).
  525key_module_recorded_edges(Opts,Key,Mod,Type) -->
  526   {edgeopt(Opts,Type,RAttr,[])},
  527   findall(with_opts(arrow(Pred,Key:Term),RAttr), edge(Type,Mod:Pred,Key:Term)).
  529module_module_edges(Opts,M1,M2) -->
  530   {edgeopt(Opts,mutates,MAttr,[])},
  531   findall(with_opts(arrow(Mutator,Mutatee),MAttr), visible_mutation(Opts,M1:Mutator,M2:Mutatee)),
  532   findall(arrow(Caller,Callee), visible_call(Opts,M1:Caller,M2:Callee)).
  534node_decl(Opts,Mod,Pred,Attrs) :-
  535   declarable_node(Opts,Mod,Pred),
  536   debug(callgraph,'Declarable node: ~w.',[Mod:Pred]),
  537   pred_attr(Opts,Mod:Pred,Attrs).
  539visible_predicate(Mod:Head) :- 
  540   current_predicate(Mod:Name/Arity),
  541   functor(Head,Name,Arity),
  542   predicate_property(Mod:Head,visible).
  544declarable_node(Opts,M,Pred) :-
  545   option(hide_list(HideList),Opts,[]),
  546   (  option(linkbase(_),Opts)
  547   -> visible_predicate(M:Head)
  548   ;  (  predicate_property(M:Head, dynamic)
  549      ;  predicate_property(M:Head, exported)
  550      ;  predicate_property(M:Head, multifile)
  551      )
  552   ),
  553   \+predicate_property(M:Head, built_in),
  554   \+predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(_)),
  555   head_node(M:Head,M:Pred),
  556   \+member(Pred, ['$mode'/2,'$pldoc'/4, '$pldoc_link'/2, '$pred_option'/4]),
  557   \+member(Pred,HideList).
  559declarable_node(Opts,M,Pred) :-
  560   option(hide_list(HideList),Opts,[]),
  561   (edge(reads,M:Pred,_); edge(writes,M:Pred,_)),
  562   \+edge(calls,_,M:Pred),
  563   \+edge(calls,M:Pred,_),
  564   \+edge(mutates,M:Pred,_),
  565   \+member(Pred,HideList).
  567visible_call(Opts,M1:Caller,M2:Callee) :-
  568   option(hide_list(L),Opts,[]),
  569   option(recursive(T),Opts,false),
  570   edge(calls,M1:Caller,M2:Callee),
  571   (T=false -> Caller\=Callee; true),
  572   \+member(Caller,L),
  573   \+member(Callee,L).
  575visible_mutation(Opts,M1:P1,M2:P2) :-
  576   option(hide_list(L),Opts,[]),
  577   edge(mutates,M1:P1,M2:P2),
  578   \+member(P1,L),
  579   \+member(P2,L).
  583global_opts(_,graph) --> [].
  584global_opts(O,node) --> {font(normal,O,F)}, [node_opts([ shape=at(box), fontname=qq(F) ])].
  585global_opts(O,edge) --> {option(arrowhead(AH),O,vee)}, [edge_opts([ arrowhead=at(AH) ])].
  587predopt(O,exported) --> 
  588   {option(export_style(S),O,bold)}, 
  589   {font(bold,O,F)}, 
  590   [ style = qq(at(S)), fontname=qq(F) ].
  591predopt(O,dynamic) --> 
  592   {option(dynamic_shape(S),O,box)}, 
  593   {option(dynamic_style(St),O,filled)},
  594   {font(italic,O,F)}, 
  595   [ shape = at(S), fontname=qq(F), style = qq(at(St)) ].
  596predopt(O,multifile) --> 
  597   {option(multifile_shape(S),O,box)}, 
  598   {option(multifile_style(St),O,diagonals)},
  599   [ shape = at(S), style = qq(at(St)) ].
  600predopt(O,recorded) --> 
  601   {option(recorded_shape(S),O,octagon)}, 
  602   {option(recorded_style(St),O,filled)},
  603   [ shape = at(S), style = qq(at(St)) ].
  605edgeopt(O,mutates) --> {option(mutate_style(S),O,dashed)}, [ style = qq(at(S)) ].
  606edgeopt(O,writes) --> {option(write_style(S),O,dashed)}, [ style = qq(at(S)) ].
  607edgeopt(O,reads) --> {option(read_style(S),O,solid)}, [ style = qq(at(S)) ].
  609pred_attr(O,Pred,Attrs1) :-
  610   head_node(Goal,Pred),
  611   phrase( (  if( predicate_property(Goal,dynamic), predopt(O,dynamic)),
  612              if( predicate_property(Goal,multifile), predopt(O,multifile)),
  613              if( predicate_property(Goal,exported), predopt(O,exported)),
  614              if( option(linkbase(Base),O), nodelink(Base,Goal))
  615           ), 
  616           Attrs, []),
  617           %   Attrs = [_|_],
  618   compile_attrs(Attrs,[],Attrs1).
  620nodelink(Base,Goal) -->
  621   { Goal=Mod:Head }, 
  622   {  functor(Head,Name,Arity),
  623      format(string(URL),'~w~q',[Base,Mod:Name/Arity])
  624   },
  625   [ 'URL' = qq(URL), target=at('_blank') ].
  628compile_attrs([style=S|AX],AttrsSoFar,FinalAttrs) :- !,
  629   (  select(style=OS,AttrsSoFar,A1)
  630   -> combine_styles(S,OS,NS), A2=[style=NS|A1]
  631   ;  A2=[style=S|AttrsSoFar]
  632   ),
  633   compile_attrs(AX,A2,FinalAttrs).
  634compile_attrs([A|AX],A0,A2) :- compile_attrs(AX,[A|A0],A2).
  638% compile_attrs1([],A,[]).
  639% compile_attrs1([A|AX],A0,[A|A1]) :- compile_attrs1(AX,[A|A0],A1).
  641font_family(O) --> {option(font(FF),O,"Times")}, seqmap(out,FF).
  642font(normal,O,F) :- phrase(font_family(O),F,[]).
  643font(italic,O,F) :- phrase((font_family(O)," Italic"),F,[]).
  644font(bold,O,F)   :- phrase((font_family(O)," Bold"),F,[]).
  646in_cluster(Opts,Name, Label, Phrase) -->
  647   {atom_concat(cluster_,Name,SubName)},
  648   {phrase((subgraph_opts(Opts),Phrase),Statements,[])},
  649   [subgraph(SubName,[label=qq(wr(Label)) | Statements])].
  651subgraph_opts(Opts) -->
  652   {font(bold,Opts,F)},
  653   [labeljust=qq(at(l))],
  654   [fontname=qq(F)]. 
  656% general utilities
  657esetof(A,B,C) :- setof(A,B,C) *-> true; C=[]