:- use_module( library(apply) ). % maplist/3,... :- use_module( library(lists) ). % append/3,... :- use_module( library(lib) ). % :- lib(real). :- lib(mtx). :- lib(options). :- lib(stoics_lib:holds/2). :- lib(stoics_lib:portray_clauses/2). :- lib(stoics_lib:prefix_atom/2). :- lib(bio_db_cnm_token/2). :- lib(map_predicate_name/4). :- lib(bio_add_info_kvs_lengths_rel/6). csv_ids_map_defaults( [ cnm_transform(bio_db_cnm_token), dir('.'), delim('\t'), has_header(true), interface(prolog), sort_by(1), to_value_1(=),to_value_2(=), source('not_known') ] ). %% csv_ids_map( +CsvF, +Cnm1, +Cnm2, ?Mtx, ?OutF, +Opts ). % % Create a map predicate from two columns in CsvF. % % The predicate name is produced by map_predicate_name/4 (Opts are passed to this) and it will be saved at OutF (if unbound, then the predicate's name +.pl is used to produce the filename). % If Mtx is ground, then CsvF is not read, otherwise is bound to the read-in rows from MtxF. Mtx allows for chain calls on same CsvF. % % Options % * db(Db) % used by map_predicate_name/4 to produce the name % * cnm_transform(Ctr=bio_db_cnm_token) % call which transforms column names (Opts is add as its last partial argument) % * datetime(DnDt) % download datime % * delim(Dlm='\t') % separator for read.delim() % * dir(Dir='.') % directory for the result % * filter(Cnm,Fgoal) % fixme: % * has_header(HasH=true) % false allows for non header matrices % * header(Hdr) % a header term, something line row(CnmDesc1,CnmDesc2) % * interface(Ifc=prolog) % also known is sqlite % * source(Src='not_known' % source info tag % * sort_by(Sby=1) % sort clauses by 1st (or 2nd) argument % * to_value_1(Tv1=true) % transforms left data, or removes row if it fails (predicate can return list, all of which are considered separate values) % * to_value_2(Tv2=true) % transforms right data, or removes row if it fails (predicate can return list, all of which are considered separate values) % % @author nicos angelopoulos % @version 0.1 2014/7/2 % @version 0.2 2015/3/19 added map_prefix(MapPfx), % @version 0.2 2015/11/3 return values from tvs can now be lists (multiple clauses will be added) % @version 0.4 2023/9/25 removed MapPfx, changed to cnm_transform(bio_db_cnm_token) % @tbd odbc interface, sqlite + mysql, and debug % @see map_predicate_name/4 csv_ids_map( CsvF, Cid1, Cid2, Tbl, File, Args ) :- options_append( csv_ids_map, Args, Opts ), options( delim(Dlm), Opts ), csv_ids_rows( CsvF, Dlm, Tbl ), options( has_header(HasH), Opts ), csv_or_frame_column( Tbl, HasH, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ), csv_or_frame_column( Tbl, HasH, Cid2, Clm2, Cnm2 ), filter_columns( Opts, Tbl, Clm1, Clm2, Filt1, Filt2 ), % fixme: this is wasteful memberchk( interface(Fce), Opts ), memberchk( cnm_transform(CnmT), Opts ), arg_add( -1, CnmT, [Opts], CnmG ), maplist( CnmG, [Cnm1,Cnm2], [Tnm1,Tnm2] ), map_predicate_name( Tnm1, Tnm2, Pname, Opts ), map_predicate_name_stem( Pname, Stem, Opts ), memberchk( dir(Dir), Opts ), directory_file_path( Dir, Stem, Dtem ), csv_ids_interface_map( Fce, Pname, Dtem, Cnm1, Cnm2, Filt1, Filt2, File, Opts ). csv_ids_interface_map( prolog, Pname, Stem, Tnm1, Tnm2, Filt1, Filt2, File, Opts ) :- file_name_extension( Stem, pl, File ), open( File, write, Out ), % ComClause =.. [Pname,Tnm1,Tnm2], % write( Out, '% ' ), portray_clause( Out, ComClause ), % nl( Out ), memberchk( to_value_1(Tv1), Opts ), memberchk( to_value_2(Tv2), Opts ), % collect_map( Filt1, Filt2, [], Tv1, Tv2, Pname, MapUno ), collect_map( Filt1, Filt2, Tv1, Tv2, Pname, MapUno ), atomic_list_concat( [Pname,info], '_', Pinfo ), csv_ids_map_date( Datetime, Opts ), ( memberchk(source(SrcUrl),Opts) -> true; SrcUrl = not_known ), UrlInfo =.. [Pinfo,source_url,SrcUrl], DtInfo =.. [Pinfo,datetime,Datetime], % length( MapUno, MapLen ), sort( MapUno, MapByFirst ), ( memberchk(sort_by(Sby),Opts) -> true; Sby = 1 ), sort_map_by( Sby, MapByFirst, Map ), maplist( arg(1), Map, RealKs ), maplist( arg(2), Map, RealVs ), cohesed_data_type( RealKs, integer, atom, Ktype ), cohesed_data_type( RealVs, integer, atom, Vtype ), DataTypeInfo =.. [Pinfo,data_types,data_types(Ktype,Vtype)], % length( Map, MapLen ), % map_type_term( Map, Pinfo, UnqInfo, RelInfo, DataTypeInfo ), map_type_term( Map, Pinfo, UnqInfo, RelInfo ), % Cclause =.. [Pinfo,arg_names,arg_names(Tnm1,Tnm2)], % Lclause =.. [Pinfo,unique_lengths,unique_lengths(MapLen,FLen,SLen)], % Lclause =.. [Pinfo,unique_lengths,UnqInfo], % Mclause =.. [Pinfo,rel_type,RelInfo], ( memberchk(header(HdrRow),Opts) -> true ; HdrRow = row(Tnm1,Tnm2) ), HdrInfo =.. [Pinfo,header,HdrRow], Clauses = [UrlInfo,DtInfo,DataTypeInfo,UnqInfo,RelInfo,HdrInfo], /* ( File == 'maps/map_unip_mouse_unip_symb.pl' -> findall( ARow, ( member(ARow,Map),arg(1,ARow,'Q80YZ1'), % write(row(ARow)),nl, arg(2,ARow,SecA) % ( atomic(SecA) -> write( true(SecA) ), nl ; write( no_atomic(SecA) ), nl ) ), _Rows ) ; true ), */ portray_clauses( Clauses, stream(Out) ), nl( Out ), portray_clauses( Map, stream(Out) ), close( Out ). cohesed_data_type( [], Type, _Bottom, Type ). cohesed_data_type( [H|T], Current, Bottom, Type ) :- add_data_type_of( H, HType ), add_data_type_cohese( Current, HType, NextType ), holds( NextType \= Bottom, Cont ), cohesed_data_type_cont( Cont, T, NextType, Bottom, Type ). cohesed_data_type_cont( true, T, Next, Bottom, Type ) :- cohesed_data_type( T, Next, Bottom, Type ). cohesed_data_type_cont( false, _T, Bottom, Bottom, Bottom ). csv_ids_map_date( Datetime, Opts ) :- memberchk( datetime(Datetime), Opts ), !. csv_ids_map_date( Datetime, _Opts ) :- get_time( Stamp ), stamp_date_time( Stamp, date(Y,M,D,Hr,Mn,Sc,_,_,_), local ), Datetime = date(Y,M,D,Hr,Mn,Sc). sort_map_by( 1, Map, Map ). sort_map_by( 2, Map, ByMap ) :- findall( Scn-Elem, (member(Elem,Map),arg(2,Elem,Scn)), Pairs ), keysort( Pairs, Sortairs ), findall( V, member(_-V,Sortairs), ByMap ). % kv_decompose_vs( Sortairs, ByMap ). map_type_term( Map, Pinfo, UnqLenInfo, RelTypeInfo ) :- % see packs(bio_db/auxil/bio_add_infos) map_to_kvs( Map, KVs, Ks, Vs ), /* maplist( arg(1), Map, Fsts ), maplist( arg(2), Map, Secs ), length( Map, MLen ), sort( Fsts, FOrd ), sort( Secs, SOrd ), length( FOrd, FLen ), length( SOrd, SLen ), maplist( map_type_length_atom(MLen), [FLen,SLen], [Ftype,Stype] ). */ bio_add_info_kvs_lengths_rel( KVs, Ks, Vs, Pinfo, UnqLenInfo, RelTypeInfo ). map_to_kvs( [], [], [], [] ). map_to_kvs( [H|T], [K-V|KVs], [K|Ks], [V|Vs] ) :- H =.. [_,K|V], map_to_kvs( T, KVs, Ks, Vs ). map_type_length_atom( Records, Order, Type ) :- compare( Op, Records, Order ), map_type_length_op_atom( Op, Type ). map_type_length_op_atom( =, 1 ). map_type_length_op_atom( >, m ). map_type_length_op_atom( <, _ ) :- throw( impossible_map_type_op_length_op ). % collect_map( [], [], _Seen, _Tv1, _Tv2, _Pname, [] ). % old version % if either of the two fail, the row is skipped ... collect_map( [], [], _Tv1, _Tv2, _Pname, [] ). collect_map( [F|Fs], [T|Ts], Tv1, Tv2, Pname, Clauses ) :- % collect_map_to_values( F, T, Seen, Tv1, Tv2, Pname, Clauses, Next, TClauses ), ( (call(Tv1,F,V1Prv),call(Tv2,T,V2Prv)) -> Clause =.. [Pname,V1,V2], findall( Clause, ((is_list(V1Prv) -> member(V1,V1Prv);V1=V1Prv), ((is_list(V2Prv) -> member(V2,V2Prv));V2=V2Prv) ), Hlauses ), append( Hlauses, TClauses, Clauses ) ; TClauses = Clauses ), collect_map( Fs, Ts, Tv1, Tv2, Pname, TClauses ). csv_or_frame_column( Tbl, _HasH, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ) :- memberchk( Cid1=Clm1, Tbl ), !, Cnm1 = Cid1. % fixme csv_or_frame_column( Tbl, HasH, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ) :- ground( HasH ), csv_has_header_column( HasH, Tbl, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ). % new in 19.02.11, trying to deal with csvs that have no headers .... csv_has_header_column( false, Tbl, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ) :- number( Cid1 ), !, maplist( arg(Cid1), Tbl, Clm1 ), Cnm1 = Cid1. csv_has_header_column( true, Tbl, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1 ) :- % mtx_column( Tbl, Cid1, Clm1, _, Cnm1 ). mtx_column( Tbl, Cid1, Clm1, Cnm1, _ ). csv_ids_rows( _CsvF, _Dlm, Csv ) :- ground( Csv ), !. csv_ids_rows( CsvF, Dlm, Csv ) :- % 22.12.26, changing- make sure you double check all generated maps ! mtx( CsvF, Csv, [sep(Dlm),convert(false)] ). % tbl <- 'read.delim'( +CsvF, 'check.names'='FALSE', sep=+Dlm, 'as.is'='TRUE' ), % Csv <- tbl. % filter_columns( Opts, Csv, Clm1, Clm2, Filt1, Filt2 ) :- filter_columns( Opts, Tbl, Clm1, Clm2, Filt1, Filt2 ) :- memberchk( filter(FiltCnm,FiltCall), Opts ), !, % csv_column( Csv, FiltCnm, FiltClm ), memberchk( FiltCnm=FiltClm, Tbl ), % which( FiltCall, FiltClm, FiltIdc ), findall( I, (nth1(I,FiltClm,Ith),once(call(FiltCall,Ith))), FiltIdc ), sieve_indices( FiltIdc, Clm1, _, Filt1 ), sieve_indices( FiltIdc, Clm2, _, Filt2 ). filter_columns( _Opts, _Csv, Clm1, Clm2, Clm1, Clm2 ). de_versionise( ProductVersion, Product ) :- atomic_list_concat( [Product,_Version], '.', ProductVersion ), !. non_dash_sep_by( _, '', _ ) :- !, fail. % do not include empties non_dash_sep_by( _, '-', _ ) :- !, fail. % do not include empties non_dash_sep_by( Sep, Atom, List ) :- atomic_list_concat( List, Sep, Atom ). not_empty( '', _ ) :- !, fail. not_empty( X, X ). pfx_by( Pfx, Full, Full ) :- prefix_atom( Pfx, Full ). pfx_by_de_v( Pfx, Full, UnV ) :- prefix_atom( Pfx, Full ), ( atomic_list_concat([UnV,_],'.',Full) -> true ; UnV = Full ). pos_integer( Numb, Numb ) :- integer( Numb ), !, Numb > 0. pos_integer( Atom, Numb ) :- atom_number( Atom, Numb ), !, integer( Numb ), Numb > 0.