:- use_module(library(date)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- lib(stoics_lib:break_nth/4). :- lib(stoics_lib:en_list/2). :- lib(stoics_lib:get_date_time/1). os_unique_by_date_test :- use_module( library(socket) ), gethostname( Host ), ( os_unique_by_date( [res,Host], Bname, [] ) ; os_unique_by_date( [res,Host], Bname, [min_length(da,3)] ) ; os_unique_by_date( [res,Host], Bname, [max_length(ya,3)] ) ), write( b_name(Bname) ), nl. /* os_unique_by_date_test( two ) :- gethostname( Host ), % SWI specific? check Yap write( b_name(Bname) ), nl. */ %% os_unique_by_date( +Token, -OsEntry ). %% os_unique_by_date( +Token, -OsEntry, +Opts ). % % Create a uniquely named file name or directory named OsEntry by using date elements % and a Token. Token can be a list in which case the Separator option will % also apply within the token parts. % % The predicate does not only provide the name of OsEntry, it also creates it. % % Opts: % * by([ye,mo,da,[ho,mi],[se]]) % how to group date parts in getting a unique entry. The default does % YeMoDa first, then adds HoMi and on the thrid attempt adds Seconds. % * date_sep(Dsep='.') % inter date component separator % * ext(Ext=csv) % extension to add to OsEntry iff type is file % * max_length(Dp=ye,Ye=2) % max length of date Id (_ye_,_mo_,_da_), and an integer % * min_length(Id='',Len) % min length of date Id (_ye_,_mo_,_da_), and an integer % * place_token(Plc=before) % or _after_, where to place the token in relation to the date % * token_sep(Sep='-') % separator to be used in bonding Token and Date % * type(Type=dir) % should the unique entry be a _dir_ectory or a _file_. % % Id and DP can be a free variables in which case they match everything. % % If you call this twice within a single second there is all the chance it might fail. % %== % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname ). % Dname = 'res-14.05.22'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [] ). % Dname = 'res-'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [] ). % Dname = 'res-'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [] ). % Dname = 'res-'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [min_length(_,3)] ). % Dname = 'res-014.005.022'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [token_sep('+'),date_sep(':'),place_token(after),type(file)] ). % Fname = '14:05:22+res.csv'. % % ?- os_unique_by_date( res, Dname, [token_sep('+'),date_sep(':'),place_token(after),type(file)] ). % Dname = '14:05:22:11:03+res.csv'. % % == % % Used to be unique_entry_by_date/n. % % @author nicos angelopoulos % @version 0.2 2014/5/22 % os_unique_by_date( Tkn, Bname ) :- os_unique_by_date( Tkn, Bname, [] ). os_unique_by_date( Tkn, Bname, ArgS ) :- en_list( ArgS, Args ), % options_append( os_unique_by_date, InOpts, Opts ), % os_unique_by_date_defaults( Defs ) :- Defs = [ date_sep('.'),token_sep('-'),by([ye,mo,da,[ho,mi],[se]]),place_token(before), type(dir), max_length(ya,2), min_length(_,2),ext(csv) ], append( Args, Defs, Opts ), memberchk( by(By), Opts ), construct_unique_base_name_by_date( By, Tkn, Opts, Bname ). construct_unique_base_name_by_date( By, Tkn, All, Bname ) :- partition( atom, By, ByAtoms, ByLists ), get_date_time( Datime ), findall( max(Key,Len), (member(max_length(KeyIn,Len),All),expand_date_key(KeyIn,Datime,Key)), XLengths ), findall( min(Key,Len), (member(min_length(KeyIn,Len),All),expand_date_key(KeyIn,Datime,Key)), NLengths ), append( XLengths, NLengths, Lengths ), findall_date_components( ByAtoms, Lengths, Dcomps ), memberchk( type(Type), All ), memberchk( ext(Ext), All ), memberchk( date_sep(DSep), All ), atomic_list_concat( Dcomps, DSep, DateBit ), en_list( Tkn, Tkns ), memberchk( token_sep(TSep), All ), atomic_list_concat( Tkns, TSep, TknConc ), memberchk( place_token(PlcTkn), All ), place_token_sep_date_concat( PlcTkn, TknConc, TSep, DateBit, CurrStem ), type_ext_full( Type, Ext, CurrStem, Current ), keep_to_unique_base_name_by_date( Current, ByLists, Lengths, PlcTkn, TSep, DSep, Type, Ext, Bname ), ( Type == file -> open( Bname, write, Out ), close( Out ) ; Type == dir, make_directory(Bname) ). type_ext_full( dir, _Ext, Current, Current ). type_ext_full( file, Ext, Current, Full ) :- file_name_extension( Current, Ext, Full ). findall_date_components( ByAtoms, Lens, Dcomps ) :- get_date_time( Datime ), findall( Dcomp, ( member(ByA,ByAtoms), date_time_value(Key,Datime,Val), number( Val ), sub_atom(Key,0,_,_,ByA), IntVal is integer(Val), procruste( Key, IntVal, Lens, Dcomp ) ), Dcomps ). place_token_sep_date_concat( before, Tkn, Sep, Date, Conc ) :- atomic_list_concat( [Tkn,Date], Sep, Conc ). place_token_sep_date_concat( after, Tkn, Sep, Date, Conc ) :- atomic_list_concat( [Date,Tkn], Sep, Conc ). keep_to_unique_base_name_by_date( Current, _ByLists, _Lengths, _Plc, _TSep, _DSep, _Type, _Ext, Bname ) :- % fixme: \+ exists_file( Current ), \+ exists_directory( Current ), !, Bname = Current. keep_to_unique_base_name_by_date( Full, [H|T], Lengths, Plc, TSep, DSep, Type, Ext, Bname ) :- findall_date_components( H, Lengths, Dcomps ), type_ext_full( Type, Ext, Current, Full ), place_stem_date_fragment( Plc, Current, TSep, DSep, Dcomps, Next ), type_ext_full( Type, Ext, Next, NextFull ), % atomic_list_concat( [Current|Dcomps], IdSep, Next ), % we could introduce another separator here. keep_to_unique_base_name_by_date( NextFull, T, Lengths, Plc, TSep, DSep, Type, Ext, Bname ). place_stem_date_fragment( before, SoFar, _TSep, DSep, Dcomps, Next ) :- atomic_list_concat( [SoFar|Dcomps], DSep, Next ). place_stem_date_fragment( after, SoFar, TSep, DSep, Dcomps, Next ) :- atomic_list_concat( [Dsofar|Rem], TSep, SoFar ), atomic_list_concat( [Dsofar|Dcomps], DSep, Dnext ), atomic_list_concat( [Dnext|Rem], TSep, Next ). procruste( Key, Int, Lens, Dcomp ) :- number_codes( Int, IntCs ), length( IntCs, IntLen ), copy_term( Lens, CopyLens ), ( memberchk(max(Key,Max),CopyLens) -> ( Max Marg is IntLen - Max, break_nth( Marg, IntCs, _, RCs ) ; RCs = IntCs ) ; RCs = IntCs ), length( RCs, Rlen ), ( memberchk(min(Key,Min),CopyLens) -> (Min>Rlen -> Fill is Min - Rlen, findall( 0'0, between(1,Fill,_), ZCs ) ; ZCs = [] ) ; ZCs = [] ), append( ZCs, RCs, AllCs ), atom_codes( Dcomp, AllCs ). expand_date_key( _KeyIn, _Datime, Key ) :- var(Key), !. expand_date_key( KeyIn, Datime, Key ) :- date_time_value( Key, Datime, _Value ), sub_atom( Key, 0, _, _, KeyIn ), !.