1:- module(image, [image_file/2]).    2
    3:- use_module(library(clpfd)).    4
    5:- use_module(bytes).    6:- use_module(utility).    7
    8% NOTE: currently not working
   10image_file(image(Format, Pixels), Path) :-
   11    nonvar(Pixels) ->
   12        open(Path, write, Stream, [type(binary)]),
   13        write_image(Format, Stream, Pixels),
   14        close(Stream);
   16    file_format(Path, Format),
   17    open(Path, read, Stream, [type(binary)]),
   18    read_image(Format, Stream, Pixels),
   19    close(Stream).
   21write_image(bmp, Stream, Pixels) :-
   22    length(Pixels, Height),
   23    Pixels = [Row|_],
   24    length(Row, Width),
   26    Stride #= Width * 3 + (4 - (Width * 3) mod 4) mod 4,
   27    FileSize #= 54 + 3 * Height * Stride,
   29    reverse(Pixels, Reversed),
   30    maplist(bmp_row, PixelData, Reversed),
   31    maplist(pad_end(Stride, 0), PixelData, Padded),
   32    flatten(Padded, Bytes),
   34    byte_groups(Stream,
   35        [
   36            chars(2, ['B', 'M']), int(4, FileSize), int(4, 0), int(4, 54),
   37            int(4, 40), int(4, Width), int(4, Height), int(2, 1),
   38            int(2, 24), int(4, 0), int(4, 0), int(4, 0), int(4, 0),
   39            int(4, 0), int(4, 0), bytes(Bytes)
   40        ]).
   42read_image(bmp, Stream, Pixels) :-
   43    byte_groups(Stream,
   44    [
   45        bytes(2, _BM), int(4, _FileSize), bytes(4, _Reserved), int(4, Offset),
   46        int(4, _HeaderSize), int(4, Width), int(4, _Height), bytes(24, _Information)
   47    ]),
   49    DataStart #= Offset - 54, % We've already read the 54 bytes for the header and information, so reduce the offset somewhat
   50    byte_group(Stream, skip(DataStart)), % Skip some bytes
   52    read_all_bytes(Stream, Bytes),
   53    length(Bytes, L),
   54    writeln(L),
   55    read_bmp_rows(Width, Bytes, TempRows),
   56    reverse(TempRows, Pixels).
   58read_bmp_rows(_Width, [], []).
   59read_bmp_rows(Width, Bytes, Rows) :-
   60    Stride #= Width * 3 + (Width * 3 mod 4),
   61    group(Stride, Bytes, Groups),
   62    ByteLength #= Width * 3,
   63    maplist(take(ByteLength), Groups, PixelData),
   64    maplist(bmp_row, PixelData, Rows).
   66bmp_row([], []).
   67bmp_row([B,G,R|Bytes], [pixel(R, G, B) | Pixels]) :- bmp_row(Bytes, Pixels)